Coaching offerings
What exactly is coaching?
The term “coach” is used in many different contexts, and it encompasses many things. My preferred definition comes from Jenny Rogers who says:
“Coaching is a partnership of equals whose aim is to achieve speedy, increased and sustainable effectiveness through focused learning in every aspect of the client’s life. Coaching raises self-awareness and identifies choices. Working with the client’s agenda, the coach and the client have the sole aim of closing the gaps between potential and performance”
The overriding principle is that we can always choose how to respond to life’s challenges, even if we can’t always choose what happens to us.
Coaching offers a supportive environment for a structured conversation where clients are actively listened to and feel heard, exploring where they are now and where they would like to be. On the part of the coach this requires empathy – to be able to see things from the other person’s frame of reference, authenticity and a non-judgemental attitude. Nancy Kline says of coaches that “the quality of your attention determines the quality of other peoples thinking”. Giving your full attention allows people to think and to come to their own solutions as “usually the brain that contains the problem contains the solution” (A time to think – Nancy Kline. Cassell).
As I coach I very much subscribe to these principles.
The use of mindfulness in my coaching practice
As your coach, my own mindfulness practice enables me to be fully present, listen attentively, see things from your perspective and be non-judgemental. I can also bring some teachings from mindfulness into the coaching sessions if appropriate, and can coach clients through mindfulness courses if requested. Please note that the incorporation of mindfulness techniques is very much at the client’s discretion and many other tools and techniques can be used within coaching sessions.
Coaching has helped me to step back and analyse my actions and thought processes from an outside perspective. Karen has provided me with various tools and exercises to help me manage stress, identify when my thought processes or behaviour were being detrimental, and to plan my time more effectively. This has ultimately helped me to improve my productivity and wellbeing. Karen provides a supportive and confidential space for me to talk about my life. She is incredibly perceptive, easy to talk to and has made me feel completely relaxed throughout our sessions. I have always left the sessions feeling more motivated and positive which is a reflection of the enthusiasm she brings to each session.

Meeting with Karen has enabled me to take time out to reorganise my life – prioritising, helping me to think through decisions and get things in order. It has certainly helped me to stress less and focus more. Karen is a natural listener and is a calming influence. She has some great methods and ideas for helping to de-stress and make decisions.
If you want a tree to grow it won’t help to water the leaves. You have to water the roots.
What happens in a typical coaching session?
Confidentiality will be agreed at the outset and I will create the right environment for coaching as outlined above. Often clients complete an exercise ahead of our first session to look at various aspects of their lives, and scale how satisfied they are with them and how much they would like to change. This allows a reflective space for the client and generates priorities for coaching. Alternatively, clients may have a clear issue and goal in mind and we can work directly on that – it’s always the client’s agenda we follow. As well as listening attentively I will ask a few open questions to help clients to explore things more deeply which may at times be challenging to help move them forwards. I will draw on a number of coaching approaches and techniques as appropriate at the time and for each individual client – I follow an intuitive integrative approach. I will not offer advice or solutions – clients have the solutions, they are the experts of themselves, I just help facilitate the process. There will be time to reflect during the sessions and periods of silence which will allow clients thinking to develop without interruption. Clients find that much of the shift happens between sessions when they have had time to reflect on and integrate their new learning.
It was a great pleasure and help to have worked with Karen as a coach. She was very good at listening to what I had to say and throwing questions back that made me think. This really helped me sort out and understand difficult periods in my life. Thank you so much Karen for your support. VM

Karen is simply a brilliant coach. She is able to navigate the fine balance between listening and questioning which forced me to think critically about my aspirations and actions. Her coaching unearthed memories of what motivated me to study biology and chemistry in the first place and which had gotten buried in the decades of working in academia. These ideas then gave me the courage to try out new things and implement new aspects in my job as a Professor.
How is it helpful?
Coaching is a process of personal growth and development. It creates some space in busy lives so people are actively listened to and heard and allows people to come to their own solutions. This precious reflection time, during and between sessions is hugely beneficial. Coaching allows clarity around issues when seen from different perspectives, increased self-awareness which in turn presents choices to enable movement forward towards where people want to be. Most things can be coached and we can discuss whether coaching is right for you when you first contact me. My own personal journey and background in academia mean that I have a particular interest and expertise in wellbeing coaching and academic coaching. I have worked with people whose time is overcommitted, who often have difficulty saying no, and are sometimes overwhelmed by what needs to be done and are consequently exhausted and stressed. Other common presenting issues are building confidence and addressing low self-esteem, relationship difficulties, support to pursue healthier lifestyles, creating more “me “ time to pursue sustaining activities, and more generally to achieve the right balance in life for them. This is by no means an exhaustive list, whatever the presenting issue, coaching allows you to be the best you can be for you. This is not a temporary fix either – what you learn during coaching gives you the tools to maintain your wellbeing and use in the future – to be your own coach.
All the elements for your happiness are already here.
How much does it cost?
If you are interested in coaching then please contact me for a complimentary, no obligation 20 min session by phone or online to see if coaching right for you.
You can have your coaching sessions face to face in Leamington Spa or by phone or online. Sessions are taken once a week, fortnight or month to suit your needs.
Single coaching sessions cost £60 per hour.
If you book 4 or more sessions the cost is £50 per hour
I will refund any unused sessions at any point in the process should you need to discontinue for any reason.
Why not consider giving coaching sessions as a gift? Please contact me to discuss further.
Get in touch!
If you require more information please email me and I will contact you as soon as possible.